Friday, April 12, 2013

Miscellaneous Free Translations

Some of these works may be of greater interest to some of my audience than to others, but I'm thankful that each of the following currently available for free. Thanks to Roger Pearse for pointing me in the right direction:

Armistead, Mary Allyson - The Middle English Physiologus: A Critical Translation and Commentary (link) (127 pp.)

Bennett, Byard John - The Origin of Evil: Didymus the Blind's Contra Manichaeos and its Debt to Origen's Theology and Exegesis (link) (404 pp.)

Croft, Alice Thomspon - Didymus the Blind on 1 Corinthians 15 (link) (146 pp.)

Haase, Barbara S. - Ennodius' panegyric to Theoderic to Great: A translation and commentary. (link) (110 pp.)

Hegedus, Timothy Michael - Jerome's commentary on Jonah: Translation with introduction and critical notes (link) (pp. 163)

Heisler, Jeanne Marie - Gnat or Apostolic Bee: A Translation and Commentary on Theodoret's Commentary on Jonah (link) (242 pp.)

Pettipiece, Timothy James - Heracleon: Fragments of early Valentinian exegesis. Text, translation, and commentary (link) (189 pp.)

Pratelli, Simone Isacco Maria - Gregory Barhebraeus' Commentary on the Twelve Prophets in the "Storehouse of Mysteries". Introduction, Critical Text, and Translation. (link) (164 pp. + 44 pp.)

Shute, Dan - Peter Martyr and the Rabbinic Bible in the Interpretation of Lamentations (link) (908 pp.)

Smith, Yancy Warren - Hippolytus' Commentary on the Song of Songs in Social and Critical Context (link) (578 pp.)


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