Friday, April 11, 2008

Reformed Rap

If you enjoy the "rap" genre, and theological songs, this is a well-done example of Reformed rap.

Caveat. There is simply no place for this in worship on many levels. It's a Reformed song, but the musical style does not seem to be (a) suitably reverent (at least not given the connotations of the "rap" genre in the present society in which we live) or (b) adapted for orderly congregational participation (i.e. it would seem to be too difficult for a congregation to join their voices without causing confusion). Additionally, the content while (based on a cursory review) seems theologically sound (and even appeals to a Psalm), is not itself inspired and divinely appointed for worship.

Nevertheless, outside the context of worship, it is an excellent and interesting song, and its author and performer deserve the respect that any viewer that appreciates rap will no doubt give it.


(located via ThinkWink)


Anonymous said...

That was amazing! Thank you for posting this!

Turretinfan said...

You're welcome, Kepha. I'm glad you enjoyed it.